Programming your Crystals

width:100%;Now that you’ve got yourself a stone and you’ve cleansed it, it’s time to program it! Programming a stone is super useful if you’ve chosen a stone for a specific purpose or energy, such as a boost of confidence, protection from certain negative energies or even if you’re trying to relieve pain from a specific part of your body.

Before you begin you’ll want to clear the space. You can do this using the cleansing methods mentioned in the ‘Cleansing your Crystals’ blog post. Smudging or using the Tibetan hand chimes are my personal favourites for this. Clearing the space will help to clear your mind, which is important for the next step.

Sit quietly with your stone, away from distractions. Holding your stone in your hands, try to clear your mind and focus your energy on the stone. Concentrate on the specific energy you’d like to program into your stone. Try to ‘transmit’ those thoughts and energies from your mind, into the stone. Try to be clear and direct so you don’t overload the stone. Do this for as long as you feel necessary. Your stone should be ready to work it’s absolute best for you.

I hope your stone will provide you with all the wonderful healing and loving energy you could possibly need!

Peace, Love and Happy Shopping xxx

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